When young people participate in sport, extracurricular and leisure activities, they create healthy habits and become involved and invested in their communities.


We will promote opportunities to foster engaged and well-rounded young people by:

5.1. Offering a range of developmentally appropriate community sports and recreation programmes that are attractive to young people;

5.2. Providing training for coaching, recreation, and healthcare to impart knowledge and skills to young people;

5.3. Creating a Youth Sponsorship Programme to provide short term sponsorship to young people who wish to pursue their recreational passions in areas including arts, oration, culinary arts, science, technology, engineering and math (STEM);

5.4. Providing extracurricular programmes that meet the needs and interests of all young people.

5.5. Including parents and guardians in physical activity and encourage their support with their children’s participation;


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To develop and empower Bermuda’s youth.


To form a unified approach to tackle issues faced by Bermuda’s young people and provide them with the support to have positive and productive futures.


For enquiries: 

Tel. 295-0855

Email: youthpolicy@gov.bm

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